Month: December 1974

Ethics Opinion 370

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #370 – 12/19/1974 (53-74) legal fees, judges, partnership, salary, town Topic: Sharing salary by part­time judge Digest: Town Justice may not share his salary with his law partners, either directly or indirectly Code of Judicial Conduct: Canon 2 QUESTION May a lawyer who is a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 369

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #369 – 12/19/1974 (51-74) corporation, employee, legal fees, judges, partnership, professional, salary Topic: Professional legal corporation division of fees received by lawyer employees Digest: Fees received by salaried lawyer employee of professional legal corporation may properly be turned over to the corporation Code: EC 2-22; … Continued