Month: November 1976

Opinion 445

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #445 – 11/10/1976 (77-76) law office, name, partnership, use of Topic: Name of law office Digest: A private law office may not use the name “Community Law Office’ Code: EC 2-11 DR 2-102(B) QUESTION May three lawyers open a law office under the name “Community … Continued

Opinion 444

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #444 – 11/10/1976 (73-76) conflict of interests, part-time public, tax, town/village Topic: Conflict of interest; town attorney’s partner suing town Digest: It is improper for a town attorney to continue to represent the town when his partner brings a personal action against the town Code:  … Continued