Month: May 2020

Governor Extends Order Tolling All Statutes of Limitations

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has extended his executive order for another 30 days that temporarily tolls all statutes of limitations during the coronavirus public health crisis. The latest order extends through June 6. Cuomo’s order tolls “any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or other process or … Continued

Summary of Executive Order 202.28

On May 7, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.28 invoking new powers from a law passed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend or modify laws necessary to assist or aid in coping with a declared State disaster emergency. On March 3, 2020, the Governor signed into law legislation that expanded his … Continued

New York Law in Federal Court: A Brief Word on Certification

The interests of justice are not well served if New York law does not enjoy consistency in both state and federal courts. Fortunately, through use of the certification process, the Second Circuit and the Court of Appeals have minimized the possibility of competing views on New York law.

Staying Connected: Meaning and Purpose For The Senior Lawyer

Libby and Kerry talk with Stephen Gallagher and C. Bruce Lawrence about the role meaning and purpose play for senior lawyers. They also talk about the need for the legal profession to have a serious dialogue about utilizing the skills of attorneys currently in the workforce that are age 55 and up as well as finding ways to create forums that would enable young lawyers to meet with experienced lawyers.