Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 315

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #315 – 12/18/1973 (41-73) adverse interests, appearance of, conflict of, criminal practice, duty of, indigents, part-time, prosecutors, public defenders, public employees, representation, town/village Modified by 544 Topic: Town attorney holding position as public defender Digest: Part-time town attorney may hold position as part-time public defender … Continued

Ethics Opinion 313

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #313 – 11/16/1973 (44-73) appearance, conlict of interests, criminal practice, legal services, litigation, name, partnership, part-time public official or employees, prosecutors, public, representation, use of Modified by 502 Topic: Conflict of Interest; Former prosecutor acting as a public defender Digest: Former assistant district attorney should … Continued

Ethics Opinion 312

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #312 – 11/16/1973 (43-73) advertisements, disqualification, professional Topic: The use of the initials P.C. in telephone directory listings Digest: A professional corporation composed of lawyers must use the initials “P.C.’ in telephone directory listings Code: EC 2-11; DR 2-102(B) QUESTION May an attorney use the … Continued

Ethics Opinion 311

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #311 – 11/16/1973 (42-73) advertisements, name, partnership, use of Topic: Directory Listing of Firm Name Digest: A law firm name may not be included in a directory except where permitted under the Code Code:  DR 2-101 (A); 2-101 (B); 2-103 EC 2-9; 2-10 QUESTION May … Continued

Ethics Opinion 310

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #310 – 11/16/1973 (40-73) advice, appearance, existing clients, prospective clients, communication, consent of, employment, review, solicitation, superseding lawyer Topic: Encroaching on professional employment of other lawyers; accepting employment to review work of another lawyer Digest: Lawyer may properly accept employment to review work of another … Continued

Ethics Opinion 309

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #309 – 11/16/1973 (39-73) employment, lawyer referral, legal services Modified by 416 Topic: Group Legal Services Digest: Legal services to members of organization under group plan must be incidental and reasonably related to primary purposes of organization Code: DR 2-103(D)(5) QUESTION May a law firm … Continued

Ethics Opinion 308

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #308 – 11/16/1973 (36-73) appearance, conflict of, judges, public Topic: Acting City Court Judge; claims against city Digest: Acting city court judge may not represent a claimant against the city Code: Canon 9; EC 9-2; Judicial Code: Canon 2 QUESTION May an acting city court … Continued

Ethics Opinion 307

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #307 – 10/17/1973 (37-73) advertisements, appearance, business interests, corporation, dual practice, solicitation Topic: Dual practice of law and consumer counseling service Digest: A lawyer may conduct a consumer counseling service at a separate address under the guidelines Code: Canon 9; DR 2-101, 2-102, 2-102(E), 2-103, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 306

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #306 – 10/17/1973 (34-73) judges, judicial campaigns, political activity, town Topic: Judges; Partisan politics Digest: A candidate for the office of town justice of a second class town may not campaign beyond the scope of the Code of Judicial Conduct Judicial Code: Canon 7(B)(1)(c) QUESTION … Continued

Ethics Opinion 305

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #305 – 10/17/1973 (33-73) advice, appearance, prospective clients, existing clients, consent of, employment, private client, review, solicitation, superseding lawyer Topic: Superseding lawyers; encroaching on professional employment of other lawyers; conferring with prospective client already represented by counsel for the same matter Digest: Lawyer may properly … Continued