Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 293

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #293 – 05/23/1973 (21-73) claims, collection, communication, duty of lawyer, false impression, litigation, threat Topic: Claim letters: threatening suit Digest: Improper for lawyer to threaten suit if client’s claim not paid where lawyer knows that suit will not be instituted Code:  DR 1-102(A)(4); 7-102(A)(5) EC … Continued

Ethics Opinion 292

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #292 – 04/27/1973 (13-73) adverse interests, appearance, conflict of interests, part-time public, public, representation, town/village, zoning board Clarified by 484 Topic: Attorney for town Zoning Board of Appeals; Conflicts Digest: Attorney for town Zoning Board of Appeals should not represent private client in zone change … Continued

Ethics Opinion 291

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #291 – 04/27/1973 (12-73) appearance, business interests, conflict of interests, dual practice, legal fees, non-legal fees, real estate, spouse-lawyer Topic: Dual practice; Conflict of interest Digest: Lawyer may not accept legal fee and brokerage commission from same client in connection with same transaction, if he … Continued

Ethics Opinion 290

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #290 – 04/27/1973 (7-73) adverse interests, appearance, existing clients, confidences, conflict of interests, client consent, criminal practice, duty of lawyer, representation, witnesses Topic: Representation of defendant and witness in criminal proceeding Digest: Lawyer may not represent a defendant and a witness in a criminal proceeding … Continued

Ethics Opinion 289

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #289 – 04/27/1973 (16-73) endorsement of, judges, judicial campaigns, legal profession, newspapers, political activity, soliciting Modified by #558 Topic: Campaign guidelines for judicial candidates Digest: Judicial candidates must adhere to standards appropriate to judicial office Code of Judicial Conduct: Canon 7(B) QUESTION What general guidelines … Continued

Ethics Opinion 288

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #288 – 04/27/1973 (6-73) advancing funds to clients, champerty, existing clients, costs, doctor, litigation, medical, town/village Topic: Champerty, Assumption of responsibility for medical and litigation expenses Digest: A lawyer may advance or guarantee payment to medical experts for reports and consultations for use in litigation, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 287

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #287 – 04/27/1973 (52-72; 14-73) advertisements, education, holding out, legal writing, publication, self-laudation, solicitation, specialization Topic: Books and articles by lawyer-authors; promotion and advertising Digest: Books and articles by lawyer-authors should avoid laudatory self-aggrandizement; promotion and advertising for such works must be dignified and not … Continued

Ethics Opinion 286

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #286 – 03/16/1973 (1-73) advertisements, employee, name, partnership, use of Topic: Firm Names Digest: An attorney who employs other attorneys as associates may use firm name “John Smith & Associates” Code: EC 2-10, 2-11, 2-13; DR 2-102 (A) (4), 2-102 (B) QUESTION May an attorney … Continued

Ethics Opinion 285

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #285 – 02/23/1973 (8-73) advertisements, education, solicitation Topic: Community Service Club Membership Workshop Digest: Participation in community service club membership workshop is not improper Code:  DR 2-101(B) EC 2-1 QUESTION May an attorney member of a civic service club open his office to other members … Continued

Ethics Opinion 284

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #284 – 02/23/1973 (4-73) advertisements, judges, of counsel, public, retirement Topic: Professional Announcement; Letterhead Digest: use of abbreviation “Hon.” before name of retired Judge may be proper on an announcement card sent only to members of the profession, but is improper on a firm’s letterhead … Continued