The Commercial Division Committee acts as liaison between the bar and the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. It promotes communication between the bench and the bar concerning the Commercial Division, and has helped shape the development of the Commercial Division since its inception in New York and Monroe Counties, and subsequent expansion to other counties throughout the State. The Committee supports the Section’s efforts to review and comment on new rules of practice in the Commercial Division statewide, and in the various Commercial Division venues. The Committee acts as a forum that assists the Commercial Division in the fulfillment of its mission, and promptly addresses any issue raised by the Commercial Division justices, Court administrators, the bar, or the business community that affects practice in the Commercial Division. The Committee accomplishes its mission by recruiting members of the bar from across the State who practice in the Commercial Division, regularly meeting with Commercial Division justices and communicating about important issues relating to practice in the Commercial Division.

Committee Activities

  • Committee meetings including Commercial Division Justices as guest speaker
  • Updating individual Justice practices/rules compilation
  • Organizing bench/bar programs

Online Community

Committee Roster

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