Month: May 2020

Summary of Executive Order 202.31

On May 14, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.31 invoking new powers from a law passed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend or modify laws necessary to assist or aid in coping with a declared State disaster emergency. On March 3, 2020, the Governor signed into law legislation that expanded his … Continued

Amazon Security Engineer Salary $181K-$488K+

No matter where in the world you are employed, you will find that salaries vary greatly from one city to another. Firstly, it is very important to know about the certification in detail. Furthermore, about the resources, while planning a career path for any specific field. This explains why these security specialists are offered … Continued

Negotiating Contracts in the Era of COVID-19

When it comes to negotiation, there are three pillars: knowing the deal, drafting the deal and protecting your clients. These three pillars will soon have a “COVID overlay” according to New York attorney Jill Pilgrim of Pilgrim & Associates.  Some of these COVID-19 considerations may in fact be “deal killers.” “COVID-19 is going to impact … Continued