NYSBA President Scott Karson Calls on Gov. Cuomo to Fill Appellate Division Judicial Vacancies

By Susan DeSantis

April 23, 2021

NYSBA President Scott Karson Calls on Gov. Cuomo to Fill Appellate Division Judicial Vacancies


By Susan DeSantis

Scott M. Karson, president of the New York State Bar Association, sent a letter to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo asking that 15 judges be appointed to fill vacancies in the Appellate Division of the state’s court system.

The vacancies include seven in the Second Department, the state’s busiest court, and four each in the First and Third departments. There are no vacancies in the Fourth Department.

“For many of the state court system’s litigants, the resulting delays in appellate justice all too soon becomes justice denied,” he wrote.

In the letter, Karson praised the state’s judiciary.

“We are convinced that you want to do your part to solidify the state court system’s stellar reputation,” he told the governor. “That is why we think it is imperative that you promptly appoint justices to fill the existing vacancies and restore the departments to their full complement.”

Read the letter in full below.

SMK Appellate Judges letter 4 20 21

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