CFO Services


February 13, 2024

CFO Services



where to hire an outsourced cfo

When inventory management is done right, customers can place orders with confidence,… Financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are crucial measurements of a company’s fiscal health. These metrics provide a window into the current and projected profitability of an organization, enabling managers and stakeholders to make informed decisions. 12 Things Investors Look for in an Investment Opportunity Being funded by a VC fund has been glamorized in the past 10 years—and it’s no wonder why.

For example, here are some signs that you are ready for financial leadership. With an outsourced or fractional CFO, your company gains financial expertise and an independent viewpoint. Their extensive experience working with many companies can yield valuable insights to help your company. In short, an outsourced CFO is your business’ financial expert — on your terms. Outsourced CFOs usually work on an hourly basis, meaning that you only pay for what you use. Fixed fees are also a great option for businesses needing assistance with specific projects.


Unfortunately, just like UpWork, it may take countless hours of interviewing and screening candidates to find your ideal freelance CFO. To find a freelance CFO, you create a free account and add a job request. You then answer a questionnaire detailing your needs and the skills required for the job. The rates of working with a Toptal freelancer start from $60/hour, depending on the project and expertise. The downside of hiring a freelancer on LinkedIn is that it requires investing lots of time to find the right candidate. So, if you need one urgently, it might be a good idea to relocate your search elsewhere.

As an experienced entrepreneur himself, he has served in various C-suite leadership and advisory roles across a wide spectrum of industries. Initially, however, they will manage your company’s accounting team and do much outsourced cfo of the financial analysis themself to translate that data into meaningful insights. They will also be the primary point of contact for external financial partners, like your tax advisor, bankers, and investors.

Financial Projections

If the timing is right, the offer is right, and the necessary work is done correctly, selling your business can be highly beneficial. In terms of pricing, most freelancers on FreeUp charge between $5 and $75 an hour. In addition to the client rate, FreeUp charges a fee, which is 20% of the freelancer rate. After that, you’ll pay a $500 refundable deposit, so they can begin their search for you.

  • Hiring a financial consultant can also set you up for long-term success.
  • Even if the company can absorb the expense, the opportunity cost can be prohibitively high – that’s money that isn’t going into the rest of your business.
  • Creating the right systems for employees to perform their roles in a more efficient, effective way is another way a CFO can add value.
  • Remember, as they’re outsourced, they dictate their own hours, meaning even if they tick all those skill boxes, they may not be on hand to help when you need.

In a Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey, 65% of respondents said that outsourcing enables them to focus on core functions and helps cut costs. In other words, not only hiring a freelance CFO will enable you to focus on the core functions of your company better, but they also reduce the costs that come with hiring full-time employees and other expenses. If you are a fast-growing startup or mid-market enterprise in need of a highly skilled and affordable financial expert — hire the services of a freelance CFO. Since our beginning, our people-focused approach to business has always started with a relationship.

Find Experts With Related Skills

Whether you’re experiencing challenges from high-growth or have hit a plateau, Preferred CFO can help. Our outsourced CFOs can optimize your growth through detailed forecasting, operational plans, and enhanced systems. Explore case studies to see how the Preferred CFO expert outsourced CFO team has elevated the success of companies like yours.

For smaller businesses, making use of outsourced CFO services is probably the best solution. As an early-stage start-up, we’ve leveraged both design and financial talent. The experience has been incredible, with those professionals bringing creativity, expertise, and advice to ensure Sidekick succeeds. My Toptal financial expert helped steer Sidekick’s business model, which resulted in an initial ROI of 650x! My experience with Toptal has given me great confidence in the future. Kresimir is an entrepreneur and CFO with more than two decades of experience in growth-stage startups and large corporations.

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