The purpose of the Committee on State Court Counsel is to provide support for attorneys who work within the state courts and improve communication between the commercial bar and those attorneys within the court system. The Committee has also taken an active role with New York State Court Judges and law clerks, with a focus on filling clerkship vacancies and providing post-clerkship networking opportunities. The Committee also seeks suggestions from both the bench and the bar on ways in which attorneys in the court system can better serve the legal community.

The Committee takes a role in providing attorney programming, including CLE programs, aimed at offering practitioners insight into state court practices and procedures. In the upcoming year, the State Court Counsel Committee is looking forward to expanding our membership, hosting an event with First Department Judges concerning appellate practice and career navigation, and conducting networking events with law firms in the New York Metropolitan Area.

Mahnoor Misbah and Maya Rivera are the State Court Counsel Committee Co-Chairs. They can be reached at and The Committee has and welcomes new membership from law students, law clerks, court attorneys, referees, private practitioners, Judges, and more.

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