The Committee on Legislation oversees the Section’s efforts to follow and provide Section input regarding proposed legislation affecting real property. The Committee coordinates its activities with the NYSBA’s Governmental Relations Office to keep track of real property legislation and provide memoranda to the Legislature and appropriate government officials from Section Committees; and, in some instances, initiates legislation. The Committee prepares and posts on the Section’s website a Legislation Chart listing all real estate legislation introduced in the current and prior session of the State Legislature, and regularly updates the Chart as legislation moves through the legislative process to approval and enactment. Although the Committee generally avoids taking political positions (particularly where different Committees of the Section may have different views), it will, if the proposed legislation includes provisions that are perceived as irrational, impractical, or harmful to the public good, attempt to influence the legislative process by, among other things, talking with legislators (often on a designated visit day), negotiating with other interested groups, and preparing memoranda to the Legislature or the Governor either supporting the proposed legislation and/or suggesting improvements. In recent years, the Committee played an active role in modifying proposed legislation that would have prohibited attorneys from acting as title agents, clarifying the Property Condition Disclosure Act (as originally proposed), and promoting the modernization of the Adverse Possession Law; and has worked to improve many other existing or proposed laws affecting real estate law. In short, this Committee performs a valuable service on behalf of the Section, the public and the entire real estate bar, and needs volunteers to assist in monitoring and commenting on legislation.
Committee membership is open to members of the Real Property Law Section.
Committee Roster
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