Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 220

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics committee Opinions Opinion #220 – 12/20/1971 (52-71) indigents, publicity Topic: Contribution by attorney to non-profit organization to provide bail for indigent persons Digest: Attorney may contribute to non-profit organization directed by non­attorneys whose primary purpose is to provide bail for indigent persons Code: DR 5-103 (B); DR 2-101(A) … Continued

Ethics Opinion 219

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics committee Opinions Opinion #219 – 12/20/1971 (51-71) employment, lawyer referral service, solicitation Topic: Solicitation of work from counsel for a corporation whose stock is held by soliciting attorney Digest: An attorney should not solicit employment Code: DR 2-103 (A)(C) QUESTION May an attorney who owns stock in a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 218

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #218 – 12/20/1971 (48-71) adverse interests, appearance, city attorney, conflict of interests, client consent, municipal attorney, municipality, part-time public, prosecutors, public, representation Topic: Conflict of Interest Part-time Prosecuting Attorney Digest: Part-time prosecuting attorney should not represent a private client in a judicial proceeding against the … Continued

Ethics Opinion 217

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #217 – 12/20/1971 (45-71) appearance, part-time public official, political activity, prosecutors, public Topic: Prosecuting Attorney: Political Activity Digest: Prosecuting attorney may not be member of county committee of political party Code: Canon 9, EC 7-131 8-8; 9-6, Canons of Judicial Ethics: Canon 28 QUESTION May … Continued

Ethics Opinion 216

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #216 – 12/20/1971 (50-71) advertisements, existing clients, legal profession Topic: Newspaper Advertisements Seeking Funds for Clients Digest: An attorney may not advertise his name for money to be invested by clients Code: DR 2-101(B); Canon 1, 9 QUESTION May an attorney place an advertisement in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 210

New York State Bar Association appearance, legal fees, judges, partnership, salary Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #210 – 11/22/1971 (41-71) Topic: Sharing salary by part-time judge. Digest: Town justice may not share his salary with his law partners. Judicial Canons: 4, 13, 31 QUESTION May an attorney who is a partner in a law firm share his … Continued

Ethics Opinion 215

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics committee Opinions Opinion #215 – 11/22/1971 (49-71) advertisements, employment, holding out, labor, mailing, solicitation, specialization Topic: Attorney circularizing other attorneys Digest: Within proper limits an attorney may send a dignified letter to other attorneys stating that he specializes in a particular branch of law and is available to … Continued

Ethics Opinion 214

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #214 – 11/22/1971 (47-71) appearance, conflict of interests, employee, judges, part-time public official or employee, prosecutors, public, town Topic: Conflict of Interest, Town Justice and Assistant District Attorney Office Associates Digest: An attorney may not act as town justice in a town within the county … Continued

Ethics Opinion 213

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #213 – 11/22/1971 (46-71) advertisements, employment, name, solicitation Topic: Solicitation Digest: A lawyer may permit the use of his name in a businessmen’s brochure but not the fact that he is an attorney Code: DR 2-101(B) QUESTION May a lawyer member of a businessmen’s association … Continued

Ethics Opinion 212

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #212 – 11/22/1971 (44-71) employment, legal fees, matrimonial matters, superseding lawyer Topic: Withdrawal from employment for non-payment of fee Digest: Failure to pay fee does not warrant lawyer’s refusal to file final decree where court has not granted permission to withdraw Code: DR 2-110(A)(2),( 3); … Continued