Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 200

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #200 – 09/30/1971 (34-71) accounting, advertisements, dual practice, law degree Modifies #51 Overruled (in part) by 494 Topic: Office Letterheads and Professional Cards Digest: Permissible Information on office letterhead or professional card is limited by Disciplinary Rules Code: EC 2-10; DR 2-102 (A)(1),(2),(4) and (5); … Continued

Ethics Opinion 199

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #199 – 09/30/1971 (33-71) adverse interests, bank, conflict of interests, client consent, duty of lawyer, mortgage, real estate, representation Topic: Conflicting Interests Digest: Cannot represent mortgagor and mortgagee without express consent after full disclosure. Code: DR 5-105 (C); DR 5-105 (D) QUESTION May an attorney … Continued

Ethics Opinion 196

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #196 – 09/30/1971 (30-71) advertisements, newspapers and news media, self-laudation Topic:  Newspaper Publicity Digest: Newspaper “releases” of attorney attending professional meeting improper Code:  EC 2-2; DR 2-101 (A) QUESTION May a lawyer attending a seminar, symposia convention, or other professional meeting release or cooperate in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 194

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #194 – 09/30/1971 (27-71) advertisements Topic: Law List Digest: Attorney may permit his name to appear on law list certified by the American Bar Association Code: EC 2-7; DR2-102 (A)(6); DR2-l03 (D); DR2-103 E) QUESTION Where a motor club prepares and distributes to its members … Continued

Ethics Opinion 193

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #193 – 09/30/1971 (26-71) Overruled (in part) by 399 legal fees, interest Topic: Interest Charges on Unpaid Legal Fees Digest: Improper for an attorney to charge interest or service fee on delinquent accounts Code: EC 2-17; 2-19: 2-23 QUESTION May an attorney charge a service … Continued

Ethics Opinion 195

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #195 – 09/30/1971 (28-71) advertisements, employment, holding out, legal advice, mailing, solicitation, specialization Topic: Advertising; Solicitation; Circularizing the Profession To Secure Divorce Matters Digest: An attorney may not circularize the profession advising attorneys of easy divorce laws and soliciting divorce matters from them Code:  DR … Continued

Ethics Opinion 192

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #192 – 07/01/1971 (21-71) advertisements Topic: Solicitation and advertising; Telephone Directory Listings Digest: Dignified and accurate listing conforming with DR 2101(A)(5) proper in privately published community telephone directories Code: EC 2-9; 2-10, DR2-101 (A)(5) QUESTON May a lawyer list his name, address and telephone number … Continued

Ethics Opinion 191

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #191 – 05/27/1971 (10-71) adverse interests, children, confidences, conflict of interests, client consent, employment, representation Topic: Conflict of Interest, Multiple Representation Digest: Representation of driver and his passenger (father and adult daughter) in an action against third party permissible if proper consent and waiver is … Continued

Ethics Opinion 190

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION advertisements, legal writing, newspapers and news media, publication, self-laudation Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #190 – 05/27/1971 (20-71) Topic:  Advertising Digest: Guidelines for information to be included in advertisements in connection with lawyer authored books. Code:  DR 2-101 (B)(5) QUESTION The New York Bar Journal has asked the Committee to … Continued

Ethics Opinion 189

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #189 – 05/27/1971 (16-71) Topic:  Attorney as Member of First Aid Squad Digest: Attorney may represent party to accident which he serves as member of first aid squad if he acts with propriety Code:  Canon 9 QUESTION An attorney has been asked to join a … Continued