Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 165

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #165 – 11/06/1970 (41-70) appearance, criminal practice, part-time public official, public Modified by #587 (1987) Topic: Public Defender; Appearance of Impropriety Digest: A part-time Public Defender may not be privately retained to represent an accused who initially contacted the Public Defender’s office but was found … Continued

Ethics Opinion 157

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #157 – 10/9/7 (31-70) advertisements, publicity, self-laudation Topic: Alumni Bulletin Article Featuring Law Firm Digest: Propriety of alumni bulletin article featuring law firm and of firm members participation depends on meeting proper standards Code:  DR 2-101(A); 2-101(B) Former Canon: 27 QUESTION 1. May a law … Continued

Ethics Opinion 159

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #159 – 10/09/1970 (35-70) chamber of commerce, membership in Topic: Advertising, Chamber of Commerce Digest: A law firm or individual members or associates may become members of a Chamber of Commerce Code:  EC 2-9; DR 2-102; Former Canon 27 QUESTION May a law firm or … Continued

Ethics Opinion 164

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #164 – 10/09/1970 (50, 55-70) advertisements, judges, part-time public official, prosecutors, public Topic: Letterhead, Advertising Digest: A lawyer who holds public office and engage; in private practice may not show public office on letterhead used in private practice Code:  DR 2-102 (A) (4); Canon Judicial … Continued

Ethics Opinion 163

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #163 – 10/09/1970 (10-70) existing clients, duty of lawyer, employment, intermediary, labor, lawyer referral service, legal services Modified by 416 Topic: Labor Union Group Legal Services Plan Digest: Lawyer may cooperate with union’s plan to furnish members free legal services, only if matters are reasonably … Continued

Ethics Opinion 162

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #162 – 10/09/1970 (42-70) adverse interests, conflict of interests, consent, dual representaiton, duty of lawyer, real estate, representation Topic: Dual Representation Digest: An attorney may represent both buyer and seller of real property only when there is no actual or potential differing interests and there … Continued

Ethics Opinion 161

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion # 161 – 10/09/1970 (40-70) adverse interests, communication, confidences, conflict of interests, consent, representation, secrets Topic: Conflict of Interest, Confidences of Client Digest: Representation of passengers in action against friend, insured driver, improper after lawyer interviewed and acted in behalf of driver Code:  DR 4-101 … Continued

Ethics Opinion 160

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #160 – 10/09/1970 (37-70) communicaiton, opposing party Topic: Communication with Adverse Party Digest: Attorney may not contact adverse party after the designation of counsel Code:  DR 7-104 (A) (1) Former Canon 9 QUESTION Does the Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 7-104 (A) (1), permit a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 158

NEW YORK STAE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #158 – 10/09/1970 (35-70) conflict of interests, judges Topic: Can a Judge Own an Interest in an Entity that Sells Liquors at Retail or at a Bar? Digest: A judge may own such an interest if it is legal and the nature of such interest … Continued

Ethics Opinion 156

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #156 – 10/09/1970 (45-70) confidences, conflict of interests Topic: Representation in Action Against Former Client Digest: Not proper to be attorney in action against former client who previously discussed matter with attorney Code:  EC 4-6; DR 5-105 (D) QUESTION An attorney’s former firm represented an … Continued