Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 095

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #95 – 01/30/1969 (19-68) accounting, confidences, disclosure, law firm, secrets, service to lawyers Topic: Data Processing Digest: Law Office accounting information supplied to a data processor Canon:  Former Canon 37 QUESTION May a law office, in the course of its accounting procedures, supply a data … Continued

Ethics Opinion 094

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #94 – 12/05/1968 (25-68) contributions by, judges, judicial campaigns, political activity, soliciting for Topic: Solicitation of attorneys for contributions to judicial election campaigns Digest: Solicitation should be by campaign committees and contributions should not be unreasonable in amount Canons: Former Canons 2, 3, Judicial Canons … Continued

Ethics Opinion 093

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #93 – 12/05/1968 (20-68) adverse interests, conflict of interests, intermediary, labor Overruled by 578 Topic: Labor Unions Digest: Improper for lawyers to join labor union which includes non-lawyer members Canons: Former Canons 6, 29, 32, 35, 37, 44 QUESTION Is it ethical for attorneys employed … Continued

Ethics Opinion 092

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #92 – 12/05/1968 (20-67) advertisements Topic: Signs Digest: A sign with lettering of over 3 inches in height is undignified and is advertising Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION Is there any outside limit to the size of a lawyer’s sign, which by reason of such … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 38a

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #38(a) – 12/05/1968 (11-68) Topic: Conflict of Interest, Representation of Adverse Parties adverse interests, conflict of interests, client consent, real estate, representation Digest: Consent and full disclosure may permit representation of real estate buyer and seller Canon: Former Canon 6 QUESTION In an area where … Continued

Ethics Opinion 90

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #90 – 10/07/1968 (17-68) bank, existing clients, escrow funds, legal fees, client funds, interest Topic:  Escrow Funds Digest:  Deposit of client’s funds in interest-bearing savings account Canon:  Former Canon 11 QUESTION May an attorney who is holding client’s funds in escrow deposit those funds in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 091

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #91 – 10/07/1968 (21-68) Topic:  Judges contributions by, judges, judicial campaigns, political activity Digest:  Political contributions Canons:  Judicial 28 QUESTION (1) May a candidate for judicial office or a member of his immediate family contribute to his party organization in the event he is nominated … Continued

Ethics Opinion 089

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #89 – 10/07/1968 (22-68) Topic: Articles advertisements, education, legal advice, legal writing, newspapers and news media, publiciation, self-laudation Digest: Publication of legal articles in newspapers and magazines Canons: Former Canons 40, 27 QUESTION May an attorney write a series of unsolicited articles on legal subjects … Continued

Ethics Opinion 088

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #88 – 10/07/1968 (18-68) advertisements, judges, judicial campaigns, political activity, soliciting for Topic: Judges – Election campaign activities Digest: Election campaign activities of judicial office holders Canons: Former Canon 2, Judicial Canons 28, 30 QUESTION Advice has been requested by candidates for judicial office concerning … Continued

Ethics Opinion 087

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #87 – 07/16/1968 (15-68) legal fees, interest Overruled (in part) by 399 Topic: Fees Digest: Interest charges on delinquent accounts Canons: Former Canon 12, 14 QUESTION May an attorney charge interest on a delinquent account? OPINION Canon 14 of the American Bar Canons of Ethics … Continued