Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 1053

Topic:  Attorney-Client Privilege; Sign Language Interpreters; Communication; Competence

March 19, 2015: Lawyer-Legislator Disclosure and Client Privacy: Statement By State Bar President Glenn Lau-Kee

Glenn Lau-Kee, president of the New York State Bar Association, today issued the following statement in lending support to a proposal announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie: “The New York State Bar Association believes in transparency in government, but is also concerned with protecting clients of lawyers who are entitled … Continued

March 11, 2015: State Bar President Lau-Kee Proposes Reforms to Foster Greater Confidence In Criminal Justice System

Testifying at an Assembly hearing on criminal justice reform, New York State Bar Association President Glenn Lau-Kee today focused on three measures that would enhance public confidence in New York’s justice system. “When we consider justice, we must consider effective law enforcement that protects the public and, at the same time, ensures fairness to every … Continued