Author: Alyssa

January 21, 2015: Statement on Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility From Glenn Lau-Kee, President of the New York State Bar Association

Statement on Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility From Glenn Lau-Kee, President of the New York State Bar Association “The New York State Bar Association has long supported raising the age of criminal responsibility to 18. We look forward to studying Governor Cuomo’s proposal. “Every child accused of a nonviolent felony deserves a second chance. … Continued

January 19, 2015: Surplus Budget Funds Could Help The Poor Access Legal Services, New York State Bar Association President Lau-Kee Proposes

The New York State Bar Association is seeking $5 million in state funding for the creation of a legal services center in Albany to enhance the availability of legal services to low income individuals. “With the state’s surplus, there is now an opportunity to make a one-time investment that could be very meaningful in terms … Continued

January 15, 2015: Statement on the Nomination of Justice Eugene M. Fahey to the New York State Court of Appeals

New York State Bar Association President Glenn Lau-Kee today issued the following statement: “Justice Eugene M. Fahey has distinguished himself as an appellate jurist. The New York State Bar Association, in 2012, 2013 and twice in 2014, found him to be “well qualified” to serve on the Court of Appeals. “We commend Governor Cuomo for nominating him.” … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1041

Topic:  Foreign jurisdiction (practice in); Choice of law, partnership with non-lawyer