Author: Alyssa

April 25, 2019: State Bar Association Approves Report Addressing Incarceration Release Planning and Programs

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) has adopted a report with recommendations regarding policy changes and best practices for effective incarceration release planning and programs. The report was approved at the State Bar’s April 13 House of Delegates meeting in Albany. “Central to the mission of the State Bar Association is to promote reform … Continued

April 22, 2019: New York State Bar Association Approves Updated Standards of Civility for NY Legal Profession

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) has approved an update to the Standards of Civility for the New York legal profession. NYSBA approved the report and recommendations of the Committee on  Attorney Professionalism at its April 13 House of Delegates meeting in Albany. “The Standards of Civility have been modernized for the first time since their initial … Continued

April 22, 2019: State Bar Association Approves Report Calling for Creation of Conviction Integrity Units in Every Jurisdiction

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) House of Delegates has approved a report from the Task Force on Wrongful Convictions that recommends the establishment of conviction integrity units (CIUs) in each of New York’s 62 counties, as well as a change to the current criminal law that would allow a new evidence claim after a guilty plea, … Continued