Author: Alyssa

Opinion 628

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #628 – 03/19/1992 (9-91) Conflict of interest, former client conflict, former client conflict Topic: Conflict of Interest-Former Client Conflicts Digest: A lawyer may represent a plaintiff in a civil action against a former client unless (1) confidences or secrets were imparted during the prior representation … Continued

Opinion 627

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #627 – 03/19/1992 (22-91) Economic benefit to client, employment Topic: Employment, conferring economic benefit upon client to obtain Digest: Lawyer may furnish rent-free office space to client in consideration of client’s employment of lawyer Code: DR 2-103(B) QUESTION May a lawyer provide a client with … Continued

Opinion 626

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #626 – 03/19/1992 (13-91) Real estate Topic: Real estate attorney; multiple representation; amount of fee Digest: Lawyer representing lender in transaction where fee is paid by borrower must disclose to borrower that lawyer also will receive compensation from title insurer for representing itsinterests at closing; … Continued

Opinion 625

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #625 – 02/14/1992 (14-91) Advertising Topic: Advertisement, by recorded telephone messages on 900 number; legal fee, for preparation of telephone message for 900 number Digest: A lawyer may record a message to be played on a 900 number which includes an advertisement for his services … Continued

Opinion 624

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #624 – 12/16/1991 (17-91) Advertising, mailing, solicitation Topic: Advertising and publicity; newspaper articles, sending to non-lawyers Digest: A lawyer’s targeted direct mail advertisement that includes copies of newspaper articles about the lawyer properly may be mailed to potential clients provided the advertisement comports with DR … Continued

Opinion 623

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #623 – 11/07/1991 (38-90) Clients, confidences, files Topic: Closed files; disposition procedures; dissolution of law firm Digest: Procedures for disposing of closed files; partners’ ethical obligations are joint and several notwithstanding dissolution Code: DR 1-102(A)(5), 4-101(B)(1), 4-101(D), 9-102(B), 9-102(D), 9-102 (G); EC 1-5, 4-4, 4-6, … Continued

Opinion 622

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #622  09/10/1991 (7-91) Deceased partner, firm name, successor attorney, successor firm Topic: Firm name; deceased partner; successor firm Digest: One of two law partnerships (but not both) resulting from dissolution of law firm may use in its firm name the name of a deceased founding … Continued

Opinion 621

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #621 – 04/18/1991 Clarifies and amplifies NY State 595 (1988) Conflict of interest, dual practice, real estate Topic: Conflict of Interest; referral of real estate clients to attorney owned abstract company.Digest: Improper for attorney to refer real estate client to abstract company in which he … Continued

Opinion 620

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #620 – 03/21/1991 (4-91) Prosecutors Topic: Trial publicity; press release by district attorney; reference to physical evidence seized at time of arrest Digest: District attorney ordinarily may issue press release describing physical evidence seized at time of arrest, but may not state whether such evidence … Continued

Opinion 619

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #619 – 03/14/1991 (26-90) Conflict of interest, dual practice, insurance Topic: Digest: Conflict of interest; dual practice as lawyer, financial planner and life insurance agent Lawyer engaged in estate planning may not recommend or sell to lawyer’s estate planning clients life insurance products in the … Continued