Author: Alexandre Petraglia

10 Reasons Why Law Students Should Join the Young Lawyers Section

In February 2022, the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section participated in a law student roundtable discussion that provided current law students with a better understanding on the experiences, rewards, and challenges practicing attorneys have faced in General Practice while offering insight on the various career opportunities available.

10 Tips for Practicing in General Practice

In February 2022, the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section participated in a law student roundtable discussion that provided current law students with a better understanding on the experiences, rewards, and challenges practicing attorneys have faced in General Practice while offering insight on the various career opportunities available.

Health Law Journal- Vol. 27 No. 1

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1237

Topic: Conflict of interest and referral fees; serving as lawyer on a real estate transaction referred by real estate broker associated with lawyer’s real estate agency Digest: A lawyer may not accept the referral of real estate closings from a real estate agent who is associated with a real estate company owned by the lawyer … Continued

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 2

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. We hope this will help keep our members informed about what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to our Association. What’s happening in the State Capitol: February flew by with just three short weeks of legislative sessions. Lawmakers held hearings … Continued

NYSBA International Section Black History Month Spotlight: Dr. Inger Burnett-Ziegler

This year in recognition of Black History Month in the U.S. we are taking time to spotlight Dr. Inger Burnett-Ziegler, a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. Dr. Burnett-Zeigler is based in Chicago, Illinois and her work has … Continued