Author: Alexandre Petraglia

Ethics Opinion 1222

Topic: Non-legal services; mediation; unauthorized practice of law Digest: Lawyers may not jointly own a mediation business with nonlawyers if the mediation business employs lawyers to provide legal services to mediation clients. Lawyers may jointly own a mediation business with nonlawyers if the mediation business does not employ any lawyers and provides only nonlegal services. … Continued

Family Law Review – Vol. 53 No. 1

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1221

Topic: Lawyer reaching out to former clients Digest: A lawyer who has changed law firms may contact clients she represented for estate planning purposes at her previous firm, may inform or remind these former clients that she has joined a new firm, and may offer to review their estate planning. Such communications are not advertisements … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1220

Topic: Falsely advertising a partnership among law firms Digest: Separate and independent law firms may not form a PLLC and advertise themselves as members of “ABC Law Group PLLC” because (i) the name would be a false, deceptive or misleading trade name, (ii) the name would be misleading as to the identity of the lawyers … Continued