Author: Jennifer Andrus

Federal Court Standing in a Post-TransUnion World

Article III of the U.S. Constitution limits federal courts’ jurisdiction to “Cases” and “Controversies.”[1] This limitation ensures that the federal judicial power extends only to resolving actual disputes, and not hypothetical disagreements, between parties. Accordingly, to satisfy Article III, the U.S. Supreme Court has long held that the plaintiff, as the party invoking federal jurisdiction, … Continued

The Dawn of Environmental Human Rights in New York

This article is from the issue of the New York Environmental Lawyer (2023,vol.43, no.1) a publication of the Environmental & Energy Law Section. For more information, please see  On Election Day in 2021, New York’s voters added Section 19 to the state’s constitutional Bill of Rights. They reaffirmed a human birthright to clean air, clean … Continued

Limitations on the Recovery of Lost Profits  

This article is from the issue of the NYLitigator (2023, vol. 28, no.1), a publication of the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section. For more information, please see As we stand on the precipice of another economic downturn, a new Commercial Division case arising from the great financial crisis of 2007–2008 is a timely reminder … Continued

Navigating the Ethical and Technical Challenges of ChatGPT

Since its release in Nov. 2022, many people have been impressed by ChatGPT’s ability to understand context, generate fast responses and have a human-like conversational tone. The potential applications for ChatGPT in the legal industry are varied. As technology continues to develop, it is inevitable that this kind of technology will be incorporated into the … Continued