Author: Jennifer Andrus

NYSBA Ukraine Task Force: From the Rule of Law to Rules of War

In December 2021, the International Section of the New York State Bar Association entered into a memorandum of understanding to promote understanding and cooperation between NYSBA and the Ukrainian Bar Association, and to offer benefits and opportunities for their members. The International Section then formed a Ukraine chapter and met virtually with the leadership and … Continued

New York State Court of Appeals: What’s Next?

In this month’s episode of “Miranda Warnings Roundtable,” our panel of experts engage in a lively discussion about the state Senate’s rejection of Governor Kathy Hochul’s chief judge nominee and the political ramifications. Albany Law professor and veteran court watcher Vin Bonventre called the vote rejecting Presiding Justice Hector LaSalle shameful. “As somebody whose been … Continued

The Unique Role of the Guardian in Inpatient Psychiatric Care

The Article 81 guardian plays a unique role when the incapacitated person (also known as “the ward”) is suffering from a mental illness and requires admission to a hospital for inpatient psychiatric care. As rates of mental illness continue to climb and more of these individuals who suffer from such an illness find themselves in … Continued

How Eliminating Single-Family Zoning Can Help in the Fight Against Climate Change

With climate change continuing to destabilize our physical environment, New York State’s government must respond with legislation that effectively combats the primary causes of our energy consumption. One major culprit of greenhouse gas emissions are buildings, which account for nearly 40% of the United States’ energy usage.[1] Because of this, federal, state, and local governments … Continued

Preparing for the New Wave of NFT Litigation

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have unleashed a whole new side of blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs may have far-reaching implications for intellectual property rights. As a result, NFTs will certainly spur novel intellectual property litigation, especially for copyright litigation and litigation under the Lanham Act (the statute that governs trademark law). Courts are only beginning to … Continued

Domenick Napoletano To Take Over as President-Elect of the New York State Bar Association on June 1

Domenick Napoletano will become the president-elect of the New York State Bar Association on June 1. Napoletano, who has been the association’s treasurer for almost four years,  is chairing the association’s Working Group on Facial Recognition Software and Access to Legal Representation.  The working group is researching the implications of facial recognition software on civil … Continued

Dealing with Implicit Bias During Jury Selection

Implicit Bias. It’s an issue we discuss often, but what does it mean in the context of choosing a jury? The Criminal Justice Section held a panel during Annual Meeting to discuss how implicit bias should be handled during voir dire. With recent changes to jury instructions including a mandatory video presented to prospective jurors, … Continued