Author: Susan

Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson Discusses the Barriers to Racial Equity in the Court System

Jeh Johnson, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, believes the findings of his recent independent review of the New York State Court System and its response to systemic racism should be considered within the wider national history of racial violence that erupted recently in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. “The harsh reality, which became … Continued

COVID-19 Is Causing Headaches Over Taxes

COVID-19 shut down offices and sent employees home to work  — often out of state — leaving a big question about state income taxes: Should they be paid where the employees are actually working, or where the employer is located? Alysse B. McLoughlin, a partner at McDermott Will & Emery in New York, led a … Continued

The Electoral College and its Implications for the 2020 Election

As we relearned in 2016, a candidate can win the national popular vote and lose the presidency. Hillary R. Clinton received 2.87 million more votes than Donald J. Trump, but lost the Electoral College 304 to 227, with 270 votes needed to win. When the electors met in December, two Trump electors in Texas bolted … Continued

The Lessons of the Bush-Gore Recount for the 2020 Election

Editor’s Note: It has been 20 years since Vice President Al Gore contested the presidential election results in Florida. With Texas Gov. George W. Bush leading by fewer than 300 votes out of 6 million cast, the Gore team requested a manual recount in four heavily Democratic counties. John Hardin Young, an election lawyer on … Continued

New York State Bar Association President Scott Karson Calls Upon Senate To Fund Legal Services Corporation

NYSBA President Scott M. Karson commended the House of Representatives for approving $465 million for the Legal Services Corporation, $25 million above last year’s allotment. He called upon the Senate to follow suit. “I applaud this important action taken by the House of Representatives, which will benefit so many New Yorkers who are suffering from … Continued

New York State Bar Association Pushes for Coronavirus Relief for Student Borrowers, Broadband Users and Nonprofits

As Congress returns today to Washington, D.C., the New York State Bar Association is urging lawmakers to expand coronavirus relief to student borrowers, rural residents who lack access to broadband and nonprofits. NYSBA president Scott M. Karson called upon the New York Congressional delegation to extend the moratorium on student loan payments, expand relief to … Continued

House Passes George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

The House passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, a broad reform measure addressing use of force, racial and religious bias and national police standards. The legislation passed the House 236–181. The measure: Bans chokeholds and no-knock warrants Creates a national registry of police misconduct by all federal, state and local law … Continued