Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 271

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #271 – 11/17/1972 (58-72) judges, political activity Topic: Judges; Partisan Politics Digest: Improper for candidate for judicial office to agree with political organization as a condition to designation by its party not to seek nomination of another political party Code:  EC 8-6; Canon 8 QUESTION … Continued

Ethics Opinion 270

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #270 – 10/20/1972 (56-72) advertisements, education, legal writing, newspapers and news media, publication Topic: Advertising: Newspaper Column; Identification of Lawyer-Author Digest: Identification of author of newspaper column on legal topics should be limited to name and admission to Bar Code:  DR 2-104(A)(4); EC 2-1, 2-2, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 269

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #269 – 10/20/1972 (54-72) bankruptcy Topic: Bankruptcy Digest: Lawyer may seek relief in bankruptcy Code:  DR 1-102(A)(6) EC 1-5 QUESTION May a lawyer in financial difficulty due to the failure of nonprofessional business interests properly file to discharge his debts, whether incurred professionally or in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 268

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #268 – 10/20/1972 (53-72) advertisements, foreign Topic: Professional Cards; Indication of Foreign Language Ability Digest: Professional card may not indicate foreign language ability but may be printed in English and one other language Code:  DR 2-102 (A) (1); 2-102 (A) (6); 2-103(A); Canon 2 QUESTION … Continued

Ethics Opinion 267

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #267 -10/20/1972 (51-72) advertisements Topic: Form of Professional Card Digest: Professional card of a lawyer should not be on blue stock with blue lettering and should not include on its face an emblem Code:  DR 2-102(A)(1) QUESTION May a professional card of a lawyer be … Continued

Ethics Opinion 266

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #266 – 10/20/1972 (50-72) name, partnership, use of Topic: Firm Name; Retired Partner Digest: Proper for name of retired partner to remain in partnership name Code:  EC 2-11; DR 2-102(B) QUESTION May the name of a former partner in a law firm be continued in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 265

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #265 – 10/20/1972 (47-72) advertisements, chamber of commerce, name, use of Disapproves 18 in part Topic: Solicitation and Advertising – Chamber of Commerce Directory Listings Digest: Improper for lawyer member of Chamber of Commerce to permit listing his name in a “Membership Directory and Buyers … Continued

Ethics Opinion 264

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #264 – 10/20/1972 (43-72) appearance, contributions by, part-time public official, political activity, prosecutors Topic: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney; Political Activity Digest: Assistant prosecuting attorney may not be member of political club but may contribute money to political party Code:  EC 7-13; 8-8; 9-6; Canon 9 QUESTION … Continued

Ethics Opinion 256

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #256 – 09/29/1972 (56-71) children, conflict of interests, client consent, representation Topic: Conflict of Interest; Dual Representation Digest: An infant may not consent to dual representation where conflict of interest may arise Code: EC 5-15; DR 5-101 (A); DR 5-105 QUESTION May an attorney represent … Continued

Ethics Opinion 263

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #263 – 09/15/1972 (48-72) appearance, conflict of interests, judges Topic: Private practice by Temporary Acting Judge Digest: Temporary Acting Judge with criminal jurisdiction should not engage in private criminal practice Code: Canon 9; EC 9-2; 9-6; Code of Judicial Conduct: Canon 2 QUESTION May a … Continued