Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 190

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION advertisements, legal writing, newspapers and news media, publication, self-laudation Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #190 – 05/27/1971 (20-71) Topic:  Advertising Digest: Guidelines for information to be included in advertisements in connection with lawyer authored books. Code:  DR 2-101 (B)(5) QUESTION The New York Bar Journal has asked the Committee to … Continued

Ethics Opinion 189

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #189 – 05/27/1971 (16-71) Topic:  Attorney as Member of First Aid Squad Digest: Attorney may represent party to accident which he serves as member of first aid squad if he acts with propriety Code:  Canon 9 QUESTION An attorney has been asked to join a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 188

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #188 – 04/28/1971 (14-71) appearance, employment, solicitation Topic: Solicitation of Clients Digest: Calling attention of clients to the passage of time since execution of Wills and possible need of redraft is not improper Code: DR 2-104 (A) (1), EC 2-1; 2-3; 2-4 QUESTION May an … Continued

Ethics Opinion 187

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #187 – 04/28/1971 (15-71) employment, legal fees Topic: Withdrawal from Employment Digest: Mere nonpayment of additional retainer does not justify withdrawal from matter pending before the Court, without the Court’s permission Code: DR 2-110(A)(2) and (C)(1) (f) EC 2-32 QUESTION Is it proper for a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 186

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #186 – 04/28/1971 (2-71) appearance, contributions by, judges, judicial campaigns Topic: Judicial Candidates Campaign Expenses Digest: Not improper to make reasonable contribution to judicial candidate’s campaign committee Code: EC 9-6, DR 9-101 (C), Canons of Jud. Ethics 30, 32 QUESTION May a lawyer make a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 184

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics committee Opinions Opinion #184 – 04/21/1971 (11-71) appearance, conflict of interests, criminal practice, part-time public official, prosecutors, public, town/village Modified by 544 Topic: Conflict of Interest; Appearance of Impropriety; Part-time Village Attorney-Prosecutor Digest: An attorney who is a part­time village attorney and acts as a special prosecutor for … Continued

Ethics Opinion 183

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #183 – 04/13/1971 (9-71) existing clients, confidences, disclosure, duty of lawyer, secrets Topic: Disclosure of Client’s Confidences Digest: When instructed by wife in divorce action not to disclose her whereabouts, her lawyer cannot do so unless required by law or court order Code:  DR 7-102, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 182

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #182 – 03/23/1971 (12-71) lawyer referral serice, recommendation for employment Topic: Lawyer referral plan for narcotic cases Digest: Lawyer may properly participate in referral panel for narcotic cases provided plan is approved by appropriate bar association Code: EC 2-15; DR 2-103(C); 2-103(D)(3); 2-105(A)(2) QUESTION A … Continued

Ethics Opinion 181

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #181 – 03/23/1971 (6-71) appearance, conflict of interests, criminal practice, judges Topic: Practice of part time city judge in courts outside the city Digest: Part time judge of city court having limited countywide civil and citywide misdemeanor jurisdiction may not properly practice criminal law in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 180

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinions Opinion #180 – 03/01/1971 (8-71) adverse interests, confidences, conflict of interests, representation Topic:  Conflict of Interest; Former Client Digest: Former partner should not represent adverse interest in matter originating during his partnership Code:  Canons 5, 9; DR 5-105; EC 4-6; 5-1, 2; EC 9-1,2 QUESTION May … Continued