Category: Ethics Opinions

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 63

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #63 – 10/16/1967 (24-67) advertisements, existing clients, education, legal bulletins, newspapers and news media Topic:  Mailing Legal Bulletins to Clients Digest:  Lawyer may send form letter to foreign corporation retainer clients describing changes in U.S. and local laws Canon: None QUESTION A member of the … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 62

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #62 – 10/16/1967 (17-67) advertisements, holding out, lawyers association, specialization Topic: Advertising, Lawyers’ Directory Digest: Lawyer member may not list specialties in a lawyer association membership directory Canon: Former Canon 27, 43, 46 QUESTION An association of lawyers of Italian descent in a particular locality … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 61

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #61 – 05/23/1967 (15-67) Topic: Solicitation of Employment Digest: Lawyer may solicit employment as house counsel or as employee but not where relationship is to be attorney-client, unless personal relations warrant Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION An attorney knows that an unincorporated association is seeking … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 60

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #60 – 05/23/1967 (19-67) adverse interests, business interests, conflict of interests, dual practice, partnership, solicitation Topic: Business Feeder for Law Practice Digest: Lawyer may have independent business but must observe certain ethical restrictions Canon: Former Canon 27, 28 QUESTION Two attorneys propose to enter into … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 59

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #59 – 05/23/1967 (18-67) corporation, dual practice, intermediary, law practice, legal advice Topic: Legal Advice Without Attorney ­Client Relationship Digest: Lawyer may serve as counsel to corporation or as chief executive officer, but he should not provide legal advice to subscribers of a service Canon: … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 58

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #58 – 05/23/1967 (10-67) advertisements, name, partnership, public Modified by 233 Topic: Firm Name, Attorney Named to Public Office Digest: Lawyer named to public office may keep his name in former firm so long as not misleading to clients and others, and firm does not … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 57

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #57 – 03/31/1967 (11-67) appearance, conflict of interests, criminal pracitce, judges Modified by 228 Topic: Conflict or Interest, Part-Time Judge Representing Defendants in Other Courts Digest: Part-time police justice may defend clients in other courts so long as client is not charged with violation or … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 56

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #56 – 03/31/1967 (9-67) adverse interests, existing clients, corporation, intermediary, law practice, legal services Topic: Intermediary Digest: Lawyer may not be retained by corporation to represent third party chiropractors Canon: Former Canon 35 QUESTION A corporation is engaged in handling personal injury and malpractice claims … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 55

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion # 55- 03/31/1967 (5-67) appearance, judges, prosecutors Topic: Conflict of Interest Friendship Between District Attorney and Judge Digest: Not improper for friendly relationship to develop between Court and prosecutor so long as impartial decisions can be rendered Canon: Former Canon 3 Judicial Canons 5, 13, … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 54

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #54 – 03/31/1967 (4-67) bankruptcy, children, confidences, conflict of interests, client consent, employment, lawyer referral esrvice, matrimonial matters, representation, secrets Topic: Conflict of Interest; Confidences of Client Digest: Lawyer should decline employment where his knowledge of prior client’s case might work to disadvantage of prior … Continued