Category: Ethics Opinions

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 04

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #4 – 11/19/1964 (4-64) claims, communication, opposing party claims, communication, opposing party Topic: Communications with Opposing Party. Negotiations with Lay Adjuster. Digest: Not improper for lawyer to negotiate with agent of opposing party who is a layman. Canon: None QUESTION May an attorney for a … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 01

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion # 1 -_11/06/1964 (1-64) solicitation Topic: Advice by Lawyer to Secure Legal Services. Notice to Clients of Change in Law. Digest: Particularly affected clients may be notified of a change in the law, but a general notice to all clients is improper. Canon: None QUESTION … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 02

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #2 – 11/06/1964 (2-64) name, partnership Topic: Firm Name. Deceased Partner. Digest: Not improper to continue use of deceased partner’s name in firm, so long as not contrary to law or custom, even though other partners’ names may change. Canon: Former Canon 33 QUESTION I … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 22

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #22 – 5/28/62 (1-66) Modified (by implication) by #206 Over ruled (in part) by 494 Topic: Lawyer-Accountant Relationship Digest: Lawyer-accountant relationship must be such as to avoid unauthorized practice of law by a lay agency, division of fees for legal services with non-lawyers, or lawyer … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 53a

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #53 – 3/31/67 (2-67) Harmonized by 53(a) Topic: Intermediary. Free Advice to Employees of Lawyer’s Corporate Employer. Digest: Improper for lawyer to give free legal advice to employees of lawyer’s corporate employer. Canon: Former Canons 35, 47 QUESTION 1. Is it ethical for an attorney … Continued