Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 1199

Topic: Attorney website to assist pro se litigants; marketing of legal services Digest: An attorney may, under certain conditions, establish a separate business through a website to assist pro se litigants with filings through an automated system where the business will not be providing individualized legal advice or advertising a law firm’s legal services. If … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1198

Topic: Former government lawyer disclosure of confidential government information Digest: A former government lawyer is permitted to disclose confidential information of a former client if the lawyer reasonably believes it is necessary to comply with a court order. Upon receiving the subpoena or court order, the lawyer must first consult with the former client and, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1197

Is a lawyer participating in a free legal services program and receiving a nominal fee from the program administrator subject to the full panoply of provisions governing conflicts of interests set out in the Rules?

Ethics Opinion 1190

Topic: Professional limited liability company to provide legal services with non-lawyer members