Category: Latest News

Miranda Warnings Podcast: Dick Lewis Lays Out His Agenda

As the legal profession emerges from the pandemic, Binghamton attorney Richard C. Lewis is launching his ambitious agenda to reshape the New York State Bar Association to better assist lawyers and improve the lives of struggling New Yorkers.Lewis, who has been the association’s president-elect for the past year, officially takes over the top spot today … Continued

New York State Bar Association Commends Legislature for Passing Bill Dropping Notary Requirement for Sworn Statements in Civil Cases

At the urging of the New York State Bar Association, the state Legislature passed a bill lifting the burdensome requirement to have sworn documents notarized in a civil court case, bringing New York in conformance with federal requirements. If the bill is signed into law, it would reduce costs for New Yorkers and make it … Continued

Mastering Productivity: Tips, Tools, and Strategies for Legal Professionals

Working long, solitary hours is often viewed as part and parcel of being in the legal profession. However, professionals are increasingly reporting high rates of exhaustion and burnout. Increasing productivity and efficiency in how you spend your time as a legal professional is important for several reasons, including cost savings, creating a competitive advantage, increased job … Continued

New York State Bar Association Recognizes Legal Professionals for Commitment to Mental Health and Recovery

The New York State Bar Association honored former Kings County Supreme Court Justice Sarah “Sallie” Krauss and William “Bill” Keenan for their commitment to the association’s Lawyer Assistance Program, which supports lawyers and legal staff dealing with mental illness and substance use issues. “Justice Sarah Krauss and William Keenan both embody the principles of the … Continued

Getting To Know President-Elect Domenick Napoletano

As Brooklyn attorney Domenick Napoletano takes over as president-elect of the New York State Bar Association on June 1, he’s looking to support lawyers who are dealing with the day-to-day concerns that come up in their practices. “What President Richard Lewis and I have talked about is continuity,” said Napoletano. “So that it carries over … Continued

Dick Lewis of Binghamton Takes Over NYSBA Presidency

  NYSBA past presidents and honored guests toast the start of Dick Lewis’ presidency: (L-R) Michael E. Getnick (2009-2010); Hon. Elizabeth Garry, Presiding Justice, Third Department; M. Catherine Richardson (1996-1997); Kathryn Grant Madigan (2007-2008); Dick Lewis (2023-2024); Sherry Levin Wallach (2022-2023); T. Andrew Brown (2021-2022); Glen Lau-Kee (2014-2015); David Miranda (2015-2016) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ As the legal … Continued