Category: Podcast

Miranda Warnings Holiday Spectacular | with Cindy Miller

EPISODE SUMMARY: Cindy Miller, former Radio City Rockette, philanthropist, and wife of NYSBA President Michael Miller joins David to talk about her career as a Rockette, leading the effort to get Radio City Music Hall designated a historical landmark, and shares some Holiday do’s and don’ts. You’ll get a kick out of this episode.

War Against All Puerto Ricans | with Nelson Denis

EPISODE SUMMARY: Nelson Denis, award-winning screenwriter, film director, author and former New York State Assembly member joins David to discuss the history of Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States, how the problems brought about by Hurricane Maria have been crushing the island for decades, and solutions for how Puerto Ricans can become self-sustaining.

Stress Test: Law School, Licensing and NY Practice

EPISODE SUMMARY: David and his guest Patty Salkin discuss the conflicting interests and resulting tensions in New York law schools, which must prepare students for the UBE, ensure they meet pro bono and other licensing requirements, and make students understand that a New York practice will require more than knowledge of the Uniform Acts.

The Afterlife of Digital Assets | with Jill Choate Beier

EPISODE SUMMARY: Jill Choate Beier and David discuss why people’s estate plans need to include the disposition of digital assets, why fiduciaries still are blocked from accessing email and social media accounts and how this has an outsized impact on very small estates.

The Law of Robots | with Ed Walters

EPISODE SUMMARY: Ed Walters, the CEO of Fastcase, teaches a course titled the “Law of Robots.” He and David discuss the consequences of the law’s historically slow response to a world defined by rapid change, increasing reliance on technology and disinterest in its unintended consequences.

The Electoral College and Your Vote

EPISODE SUMMARY: Two of the last five presidential elections were won by people who lost the popular vote, a risk inherent to the Electoral College system. David’s guests Michael Fox, assistant professor of business law and pre-law advisor at Mount Saint Mary College, and Howard Schaffer, founder of Media Marketing, discuss how the history of … Continued

Anatomy of a Recount, Bush v. Gore with John Hardin Young

EPISODE SUMMARY: Jack Young, of counsel at Sandler Reiff in Washington, DC, and an expert on election law, discusses his work on the 2000 Bush v. Gore recount – from the Gore team’s pre-dawn rush to Tallahassee to its rifts on strategy. Attempts to create a standard by which all “chads” could be judged brought … Continued

The Chair of NYSBAs New Women in Law Section Talks About #MeToo

EPISODE SUMMARY: Susan Harper, Managing Director NY/NJ, Bates Group, and David discuss women’s rights issues in the context of history and the present-day #MeToo movement. While noting “blips” in progress, Harper is optimistic, seeing #MeToo as a pivotal point that has inspired women to be more active in everything from politics to the workplace.

Responding to Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy

EPISODE SUMMARY: Camille Mackler, director of immigration legal policy at the New York Immigration Coalition, and Sarah Rogerson, professor of law and director of Albany Law School’s Immigration Law Clinic, talk with David about bringing legal services to the more than 300 asylum-seeking refugees abruptly transferred to the Albany County jail in summer 2018 by … Continued

Rule of Law | with Lesley Rosenthal and Hank Greenberg

EPISODE SUMMARY: Lesley Rosenthal, chief operating officer of the Juilliard School, and Hank Greenberg, partner at Greenberg Traurig, join David for a lively – and timely – discussion about the rule of law, the bedrock of a free and democratic society. At its essence, the rule of law provides that no one is above the … Continued