Committee on Attorney Well-Being
- Implement the Task Force recommendations from the Report.
- Examine the role of the current Lawyer Assistance Committee for cross-Committee initiatives.
- Develop outreach programming for attorneys who have been formally disciplined, with goal of rehabilitation.
- Work with LAPs, bar associations and others to advocate to NYS CLE Board regarding possible modifications of CLE regulations including:
- Skills development programs with CLE credit; currently, only presentations of theory offer credit;
- Include credit for solutions-based well-being programming, rather than focusing on the negative aspects of ill-being; and
- Broaden well-being CLEs offering ethics credit to include public trust and ethics work, focusing on prevention rather than the need for diversionary programs.
- Develop online resources and materials on topics which support well-being and the importance of self-care.
- Develop and promote a “Law Firm Roadmap for Well-Being Best Practices” for law firms or other legal employers in offering social opportunities which enable people to enjoy shared physical activity.
- Collaborate with the court system (OCA) to create a referral network of clinicians with specific experience dealing with the legal profession, such as North Carolina’s Bar Cares program and Massachusetts’ LOMAP.
Report of the Task Force on Attorney Wellbeing
Approved by the House of Delegates on October 30, 2021
Committee Roster
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