The Diversity Committee’s purpose is to foster diversity in its many forms in both our Section and the legal profession in general, by, among other things, seeking to make our Section a welcoming, inclusive and collegial group for all of our members, and increasing opportunities for interaction among all persons. The Committee enthusiastically supports NYSBA President Doyle’s Diversity Challenge. The Committee’s activities in 2011 included (i) co-sponsoring a sold-out and well-received joint CLE event on reality television issues with the Metropolitan Black Bar and the Black Entertainment and Sports Law Associations, (ii) planning a second joint CLE program on an entertainment or sports law topic with one or more diverse bar associations, (iii) establishing a mentorship program pursuant to which experienced lawyers from our Section act as mentors to diverse 2L law students, new lawyers, lawyers in transition, and those who wish to shift areas of practice to the entertainment, arts and sports law areas, and (iii) establishing a pro-bono assistance/mentoring program for diverse admitted attorneys who would handle pro bono matters under the mentorship of experienced lawyers who are EASL members. The Committee is also exploring a possible veterans program.
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