Since 2017, the Mergers & Acquisitions Committee of the Business Law Section has strived to be a meaningful resource for its members, Business Law Section members, and NYSBA members at large.

Focusing on the multidisciplinary, and industry-spanning nature of the practice of M&A law, our goal is to bring substantive and market-relevant programming to practitioners that can be leveraged by them daily in their own roles.

Our highly-rated seminars typically highlight current issues arising in different facets of the M&A practice, and, drawing on the experience of top practitioners in law firms and in-house positions alike, often walk participants through the entire life-cycle of the M&A transaction with a focus on the specific topic of the day.

Committee leadership also values the opportunity to use the work of the Committee as a forum for meaningful networking and practice development for its members.

The Committee is Chaired by David R. Lallouz, Head of M&A and Chief Legal Officer at Bruderman, who brings to the Committee 20+ years of experience running M&A transactions across a multitude of industries in the US and abroad.

For more information, contact David Lallouz at

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Connect with Mergers and Acquisitions Committee (Business Law)