This committee is primarily designed to keep Section members abreast of developments in State and federal constitutional law. Public officials frequently deal with issues arising out of the first amendment (employee speech, prayers/ invocations at board meetings, holiday displays), equal protection and due process (use of public facilities/changing benefits/salary). It would also be the committee to address issues arising under the New York State Constitution, such as separation of powers, home rule and the like.
Mission Statement: An understanding of the ever-evolving body of state and federal constitutional law is essential for attorneys advising municipal governments and officials, as well as to those who represent private parties in dealings with municipalities. Constitutional issues that are paramount in municipal practice include those arising out of: (i) the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the corresponding state constitutional guarantee; (ii) the equal protection, due process, and takings clauses of the federal and state constitutions; and (iii) Article 8 and 9 of the state constitution, which pertain to municipal finances and taxation and the rights and home rule powers of localities. The mission of this Committee is to keep Municipal Law section members informed about developments in state and federal constitutional law as they relate to municipal practice and to provide a forum through which section members can discuss such issues.
Committee Co-Chairs: Adam L. Wekstein and Jody T. Cross
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