This committee addresses issues such as real property taxation, real property assessments and grievances, exemptions and tax cap.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee (the “Committee”) is to advise and report to the section membership on developments in the law and policies of taxation, public finance and economic development, including matters relating to real property taxation and special assessments, local sales tax and other revenues, authorization and issuance of bonds and other obligations, industrial development agencies, local development corporations, fiscal stress, federal securities regulations, budget development and the procurement of goods and services. The Committee will keep section members up-to-date on proposed and pending state and federal legislation and regulations, and decisional law in these areas. The Committee will identify and report on the development of modern financing techniques, such as public-private partnerships, that promote financial efficiency, sustainability and economic growth for local governments in New York.
Committee Co-Chairs: Kathleen Hodgdon and Lauren Trialonas
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Committee Roster
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