International Section Update: Asia-Pacific Region

By International Section

January 12, 2021

International Section Update: Asia-Pacific Region


By International Section

The International Section has more than 60 chapters globally.  Among them, there are 10 chapters in the Asia-Pacific region.  The Section held section conferences in Hanoi (2013), Seoul (2018) and Tokyo (2019).  Inability to travel internationally due to the pandemic in 2020, together with the unavoidable time difference, has made continuing connections between New York and Asian section members challenging.  However, led by Tsugu Watanabe (Japan) and Mike He (China), co-chairs of the Section’s Asia Pacific Council, as well as Hyun Suk Choi (New York), co-chair of the Korea chapter, the Asian chapter chairs held virtual meetings periodically in 2020.  Senior level section officers in New York also participated in the meetings.  The Asia chapter chairs are planning to have a series of webinars this year regarding various legal issues that often arise in cross-border litigation and transactions between New York and the Asia-Pacific region.

If you would like to join the activities in the Asia-Pacific region and build your network, go to

Picture (from left): Rico Domingo (Philippines), Carra Forgea (Section Liaison), Sean La’Brooy (Singapore), Hyun Suk Choi (New York), John Frangos (Thailand), Nguyen Hong Hai (Vietnam), Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky (New York), Tsugu Watanabe (Japan), Helen Lee (Korea), Mike He (China), Ed Lenci (New York)

Six diverse people sitting holding signs
gradient circle (purple) gradient circle (green)


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