“In less than a year-and-a-half, WILS has grown from a small committee limited to 50 members to nearly 1,000 members and includes women and men from upstate and downstate, states across the U.S. and from countries around the world. WILS is the fastest growing Section in NYSBA history. We are excited to launch the WILS Connect e-newsletter—one of our many initiatives—which will discuss current issues facing women lawyers, the work of our committees, legislative and policy matters WILS is focusing on, spotlight members of WILS and the programs held (and to be held) by the Section.” – Terri A. Mazur

Women in Law Section
Welcome to the New York State Bar Association’s Women in Law Section (also “WILS” or “Section”). The Women in Law Section is a dynamic group of attorneys – both women and men – and serves as a critical voice for professional women. Our mission is to advance women in the legal profession and all women under the law. Membership in our Section offers many opportunities to address the professional, legal, policy and legislative issues impacting women. You can also take advantage of educational programs (such as the annual Edith I. Spivack Symposium — WILS’ Annual Meeting CLE – and Women on the Move) and meet and network with other attorneys.
We invite you to join one of our committees, which will give you an opportunity to be part of a engaging group, use your voice, talent and passion to benefit women; interact with members and leaders of our Section and the legal profession; expand your individual network and develop your career; and advance critical change in the legal profession and for all women under the law. For example, our new Partners Committee focuses on the unique challenges that affect women who are partners in law firms; the Equity in the Legal Profession Committee works to advance women in the legal profession and includes activities such as advocacy, programming, scholarship, and reports; the Champions Committee engages men as partners to support women in the profession, in NYSBA and society-at-large – its activities include Events, Drinks & Dialogues, networking and business development, reports and publications, and commenting on news issues; and the Gender Issues Committee works to address specific issues ad rights that may impact women, children and families, such as domestic violence, human trafficking and gender parity. The WILS Legislative Affairs Committee is responsible for identifying and recommending the WILS legislative agenda to the Section’s Executive Committee for adoption and also identifies new or existing New York State legislation relating to issues of interest to women, among other activities. Our Committees are as follows:
- Annual Meeting, Program & CLE Committee, which includes the following subcommittees, Annual Meeting, Women on the Move, Awards and Programming
- Champions Committee
- Communications Committee
- Development & Sponsorship Committee
- Emerging Lawyers Committee
- Equity in the Legal Profession Committee
- Gender Issues Committee
- General Counsels Committee
- Legislative Affairs Committee
- Membership & Engagement Committee
- Partners Committee
- Reports, Surveys & Publications Committee
- Women in the Association Committee
Regardless of your membership in the Women in Law Section, however, you are always welcome to attend our committee programs. We also encourage members to participate as organizers, speakers or attendees at our educational programs and networking events, and to contribute their views to the various issues we address.
The Women in Law Section has an engaging and dynamic membership and we hope to welcome you as a member or have your participation in our activities and events.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: The section has presented educational forums on gender concerns; sexual harassment in the profession; balancing professional and family responsibilities; career development beyond partnerships; women in politics; seeking service on the bench; and breast cancer. Additionally, the section presents forums for women law students on career issues and opportunities.
Contact the Women In Law Section Liaison
To learn more about this Section, please contact Ernesto Guerrero
(518) 487-5535
Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.
Kimberly Wolf Price, Esq.
Kimberly Wolf Price is the new chair of the Women in Law Section. Kim is the Attorney Professional Development & Diversity Officer at Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC. In that role she works closely with a number of firm constituencies including diversity committee, the associates’ committee and the recruiting committee to advance their goals. In addition, she oversees the firm’s pro bono initiatives and chairs the firm’s well-being committee.
Kim’s legal practice began in the New York City office of Clifford Chance US LLP. She then worked for a small firm in Syracuse before working for Syracuse University College of Law (SU), first serving as Assistant Dean of Professional & Career Development for several years before taking on the academic role of Director of Externship Programs where she devoted herself to the professional development of law students and alumni.
Kim has been a member of the New York State Bar Association for over 20 years. Besides her work with the Women in Law Section, Kim is a member of the Bar’s Committee on Diversity & Inclusion, where she works on Youth Law Day programs. She also sits on the Well-Being Committee as well as the Committee on Leadership Development. She has been appointed to several NYSBA task forces including the Task Force on Well-Being in Law. She is a former chair of NYSBA’s Lawyers in Transition Committee.
Online Community
Author Guidelines
NYSBA has created comprehensive author guidelines, with information regarding our reprint policy, style guidelines, and obtaining MCLE Author Credits.
Bylaws of the Women in Law Section
Approved on November 15, 2018 and amended on October 28, 2019.
Nominating Committee Report
In accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the Section’s bylaws, here is the nominating report for the June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 term. The nominations have been voted on and approved at the Business portion of the Women in Law Section’s Annual Meeting on January 19, 2021 at 4:10 p.m. immediately following the Women in Law Section’s Virtual Annual Meeting CLE program.
Legislative Matters
Opinions expressed are those of the Section/Committee preparing this memorandum/report and do not represent those of the New York State Bar Association unless and until they have been adopted by its House of Delegates or Executive Committee.
- WILS Statement on Draft Dobbs Opinion
- WILS Statement on Texas Law S.B.8
- Paid Leave Report
- Summary of Tanning Bed Legislation
- Opposition to Stupak Statement
- Summary of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Salary Memo
Check out our memorandum in support to amend the Executive Law in relation to prohibiting employers from seeking salary history from prospective employees.
Domestic Violence Final Report
Read our memorandum in support of the New York State Bar Association and Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York Domestic Violence Initiative’s Final Report to provide greater access to legal services to victims of domestic violence in New York State.
Women in Law Section Committee
Annual Meeting and Programming Committee (Women in Law)
Awards Committee (Women in Law)
Champions: Men Advancing Women Committee
Communications Committee (Women in Law)
Development and Sponsorship Committee (Women in Law)
Emerging Lawyers Committee (Women in Law)
Equity in the Legal Profession Committee
Executive Committee (Women in Law)
Gender Issues Committee
General Counsels Committee (Women in Law)
Legislative Committee (Women in Law)
Membership and Engagement Committee (Women in Law)
Nominating Committee (Women in Law)
Partners Committee (Women in Law)
Reports, Surveys, and Publications Committee (Women in Law)
Women On The Move Committee
Women in the Association Committee
Ruth G. Schapiro Award
To provide recognition for exemplary achievement by a male or female member of the Association in addressing the concerns of women, an Association award was established in honor of the Committee on Women in the Law’s first Chair, Ruth G. Schapiro. The annual award was proposed and is administered by the Women in Law Section. The first recipient of this award in 1992 was The Honorable Judith S. Kaye.
Kay Crawford Murray Award
To honor women in the profession who recognize the value of diversity in the legal profession and have dedicated their time to advancing the professional development of women attorneys, the section has established the Kay Crawford Murray Award. Future recipients will possess the following characteristics: A distinguished legal career or a rising star in the profession; An active member of bar associations for the purpose of advancing the professional and personal development of women attorneys; An active mentor to women attorneys.
Free Virtual Book Club Meetings
The Women in Law Section (WILS) holds free virtual book club meetings on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, so please check the WILS Upcoming Events page for dates and times. This is a great opportunity to take some time for yourself to read new books and discuss them with colleagues and friends!
Here is the list of our past book club meetings:
#Networked: Women Lawyers Build Connections in COVID-19 (May 13, 2021)
Featuring the book “#Networked” by Shari Belitz, Laura Gregory and Winter Wheeler
When Life Hands You Lemons: An Attorney’s Journey Through Quarantine As An At Home Chef (April 8, 2021)
Featuring the cookbook “When Life Hands You Lemons” by Jennifer Brown
Women Struggling and Sometimes Overcoming (February 4, 2021)
Featuring the book “Women in Crisis: Stories From the Edge” by Susan L. Pollet
A Lawyer’s Journey: Turning Fact Into Fiction (December 10, 2020)
Featuring the book “Failure to Protect” by Pamela Samuels Young
Women in Law Section “The Midnight Call” Virtual Book Club (September 24, 2020)
Featuring the book “The Midnight Call” by Jode Millman
Women in Law Section “The Lies that Bind” Virtual Book Club Meeting (August 20, 2020)
Featuring the book “The Lies that Bind: by Emily Giffin
Unreasonable Doubts (June 4, 2020)
Featuring the book Reyna Marder Gentin
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Become a Sponsor of the Women in Law Section, Annual Meeting, Luncheon, Reception and Programs.
Your sponsorship helps advance women in the legal profession and all women under the law.
Click here to learn more.
Banning Rosa Parks: The Impact of Book Banning on Civil Liberties
Presented on June 13, 2023
Medication Abortion in the Post Dobbs World: Current Litigation and its Effects on Access to an Abortion
Presented on June 5, 2023
Too Young to Be Old: How to Stay Vibrant, Visible, and Forever in Blue Jeans
Presented on June 1, 2023
Getting To Ellen: A Memoir About Love, Honesty And Gender Change
Presented on May 18, 2023
What’s Next: Alternative Careers For Lawyers
Presented on April 4, 2023
Reclaim Your Calendar: Productivity & Time Management Tactics For Lawyers – Part 2
Presented on March 29, 2023
Changing The Narrative: An Uplifting Story About Climate Change
Presented on March 23, 2023
Reclaim Your Calendar: Productivity & Time Management Tactics For Lawyers – Part 1
Presented on March 15, 2023
Women in Law Section’s Virtual Book Club Meeting: Fractured Power
Presented on September 15, 2022
Dobbs: Historical Context and Future Implications
Presented on July 18, 2022
What to do After Dobbs: Access to Reproductive Healthcare and How to Help
Presented on July 14, 2022
A Virtual Juneteenth Celebration with NAACP National President and CEO Derrick Johnson
Presented on June 15, 2022
Women in Law Section’s Virtual Book Club Meeting: 30 Days to Courage: A Step-by-Step Guidebook
Presented on June 13, 2022
Women in Law Section’s Virtual Book Club Meeting: Both Are True
Presented on May 19, 2022
Strategies for Thriving in the Workplace: A Fireside Chat with Carla Harris
Presented on May 17, 2022
Virtual Visit to National Women’s Hall of Fame
Presented on April 28, 2022
Divorce Changes Everything: How Women Can Find Their Independence
Presented on April 8, 2022
Self-Advocacy: The Key to Accelerate Career Success
Presented on March 16, 2022
Finding Self-Worth and Empowerment in African-American History
Presented on February 10, 2022
Knowledge is Power: Financial Strategies for Women
Presented on December 16, 2021
Executive Presence, Leadership Voice, And Effective Speaking
Presented on December 13, 2021
Bad Blood: The Role of Gender in the Elizabeth Holmes Trial
Presented on November 1, 2021
Breaking the Stigma of Addiction and Recovery in the Legal Profession
Presented on October 7, 2021
When Life Hands You Lemons: An Attorney’s Journey Through Quarantine As An At Home Chef (Book Club)
Presented on April 8, 2021
#Networked: Women Lawyers Build Connections in COVID-19
Presented on May 13, 2021
Let The Youth Lead The Way: A Dialogue with Future Lawyers
Presented on March 16, 2021
Women Struggling and Sometimes Overcoming (Book Club)
Presented on February 4, 2021
A Lawyer’s Journey: Turning Fact into Fiction (Book Club)
Presented on December 10, 2020
Owning Your Confidence and Leading with Brilliance
Presented on December 1, 2020
The Midnight Call Virtual Book Club
Presented on September 24, 2020
Campaigning While Female: Congresswoman Kathleen Rice Speaks On Gender And Diversity Issues Facing Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris
Presented on September 9, 2020
The Unusual Firing of US Attorney Geoffrey Berman: The Process and is Justice at Stake?
Presented on June 29, 2020
Celebrating Juneteenth: A Conversation With Cheryl Wills
Presented on June 19, 2020
Suffrage: Celebration of the Centennial of New York State’s Ratification of the 19th Amendment
Presented on June 16, 2020
Civil Rights & Systemic Racism: Introspection In a Time of Crisis
Presented on June 12, 2020
Law Day Virtual Program: Women in Mediation, Arbitration and in Court
Presented on May 1, 2020
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