America Has A Colonies Problem: Constitutional Rights And U.S. Territories

America Has a Colonies Problem: Constitutional Rights and U.S. Territories
The Insular Cases, Racial Justice, and What Lawyers Need to Know
Free CLE Program for NYSBA and Virgin Islands Bar Association Members
Co-sponsored by the Virgin Islands Bar Association
America has a blind spot when it comes to systemic racism. More than 3.5 million Americans – 98% of whom are racial or ethnic minorities – are disenfranchised and treated as second-class citizens simply because they live in one of five U.S. territories. The roots of America's colonies problem are the Insular Cases, a series of racist Plessy-era Supreme Court decisions that established a doctrine of "separate and unequal" status for territorial residents. This program will discuss the constitutional and legal history of U.S. territories and the Insular Cases. It will examine current legal issues facing U.S. territories in the U.S. Supreme Court and Congress.
Speaker: Neil Weare, who grew up in Guam, is President of Equally American, the only advocacy organization fighting for equality in U.S. territories. He is a co-author of the forthcoming casebook Law of U.S. Territories, and has taught legal seminars on the territories at Yale Law School and Columbia Law School
Thank you to our program Sponsor!
- June 17, 2021
- 12:00 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 1.0
- 1.0
- Virtual Participation
- Neil Weare, Speaker, Equally American
- Mirna Martinez Santiago, Esq., Co-Chair, Girls Rule the Law
- Sherry Levin Wallach, Esq., Co-Chair, The Legal Aid Society of Westchester County
- Webinar
- 0KW31
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education