Defense of Bad Faith Claims – Best Practices

Under New York law, insurance contracts contain a duty of good faith owed to the insured, including the duty to negotiate claims in good faith. While litigation claiming bad faith by an insurer is hardly a new development, bad faith law in New York has rarely been more relevant. Along with a flurry of reported decisions in recent years, legislation that expands the scope of an insurer’s liability has been proposed. This CLE Seminar will explore the current state of Bad Faith law in New York, the impact of recent decisions, ethical considerations, the proposed legislation, and practice tips.
- May 24, 2022
- 12:00 PM
- 1:30 PM
- 1.0
- 0.5
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Sim R. Shapiro, Esq., Speaker, Baxter Smith & Shapiro, P.C.
- David Gould, Esq., Speaker, Partner, Russo & Gould LLP
- Webinar
- 0LX41
- Torts, Insurance, & Compensation Law Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education