Recent SEC Rulemaking Initiatives Part I: Implementation Of The Marketing Rule And Cyber-security Proposal

Panelists will discuss recently proposed SEC rules covering a wide range of topics affecting both investment advisers. The panelists will cover:
• the rule proposals
• the potential impact on regulated entities such as investment advisers
• the potential impact on investors and the capital markets
Christopher Staley, SEC, Division of Investment Management, Branch Chief
Robert Plaze, Proskauer LLP, Partner
Leslie Cruz, Mayer Brown LLP, Counsel
Darren Mooney, Greyline Partners, LLC, Partner & Co-Head of Business Development
- May 11, 2022
- 11:00 AM
- 12:30 PM
- 1.5
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Webinar
- 0MA31A
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education
- Securities Regulation Committee
- Business Law Section