CBD Oil, Hemp and Cannabis Update: What Lawyers Need to Know in Advising Clients

Are you seeing more and more ads for CBD? What’s legal, what’s not? What the difference between hemp, CBD and THC? Where does NY stand and what’s in store for the future?
Various states have differing laws on hemp products generally and CBD specifically. Until the FDA acts, and regardless of what the USDA does with respect to hemp production, it is still a federal offense to sell any CBD product that is to be ingested – whether it is as a dietary supplement or as an additive to foods and beverages – unless the FDA has approved those products. But what about all these CBD oil products that are being sold? This program will provide a practical basic cannabis industry update for attorneys. This program will cover CBD, hemp and the 2018 Federal Farm Bill.
Aleece E. Burgio, Esq., Special Counsel, Barclay Damon LLP
Lee Williams, Esq., Corporate Counsel, Dent Neurological Institute
- July 29, 2019
- Online On-Demand
- VGJ51
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 50min