Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Law, 2020-21

- John P. Stockli, Jr., Esq.; Michael E. Cusack, Esq.; Herbert A. Kline, Esq.; Professor Philip Weinberg, ret.;
Contents at a Glance
What Is Zoning? / Other Land Use Mechanisms / Practical Implications of Land Use and Zoning / New York Zoning and Land Use Jurisdiction / Zoning and Land Use Enabling Legislation / Adoption and Amendment of Zoning Legislation / Zoning Board of Appeals / Area Variances / Use Variances / Varying the Variance Criteria / Planning Boards / Site Plan Review / Special Use Permits / Subdivision Review / State-Mandated Overlays / Limitations on Zoning Power / Open Meetings Law / Freedom of Information Law
Product Description:
PC: 423921/423921E (PSS)
The Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Law practice guide is designed for practitioners who need to understand the general goals, framework and statutes relevant to zoning and land use law in New York State. This practice guide covers zoning and land use enabling legislation, zoning board of appeals, area variances, and limitations on zoning power.
To some practitioners, zoning and land use law is a rarely encountered remnant of bar review courses of years gone by. To others, it is a specialty to which their careers are largely devoted. For the vast majority, however, it falls in the middle. For them, the zoning and land use process may be tangential to a commercial development or real estate matter, or perhaps comes into play when a client is concerned about a proposed project in his or her neighborhood which could potentially impact the neighborhood setting or quality of life.
This practice guide also includes a set of Downloadable Forms. The 2020-2021 release is current through the 2020 legislative session.
- December 8, 2020
- Book
- 423921
- 9781579690236
- 522 pages